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Showing posts from December 29, 2017

RHEL Recover your root Password

Root Password recovery In this tutorial I will demonstrate you how to recover you lost password. This tutorial is for RHEL 7 Password recovery. Before we go further I would like to brief Linux boot process, When pushed power button your PC/Server it will powered on and the system firmware will runs POST (Power On Self Test) which will check and initiate attached hardware. You can do modifications to these process by BIOS/UFFI configuration After POST, system firmware will look for bootable device in other words it look for Master Boor Record (MBR) Then the System will reads the boot loader from the disk and let boot loader to take control of the system Now the boot loader loads its configuration from disk, at that point you may display the boot options Depends on your selection boot loader will load the kernel and initramfs from disk to you memory(RAM). Initramfs  is some gziped archive contains kernel modules for hardware all hardware which requ